There’s just no way around it. When you move your business, there’s always a lot to do. So, plan your move early and make use of these practical, creative tips to make your move go as smoothly as possible both during and after the big day.


Tip #1. Start collecting sturdy boxes as soon as you know you’re moving your business to another location.

Whether it’s just down the street or in another town, having a variety of strong boxes early on will allow you to pack items a little at a time so it’s not as taxing. Big box stores like Walmart and Target often discard their boxes around 11:00 pm. Making a special trip one night will be well worth it. Of course, liquor stores also have great boxes.

Trip #2. Get organized by making a trip to your local office supply store and getting packing tape and a few large black markers if you don’t already have some.

You’ll want to scout out your new location and decide which items will go into which rooms in your new space. Naming each room is ideal, so you can write those names on the boxes so you don’t need to supervise every last box being carried into your new office and you can put away things once you’re there more quickly.

Tip #3. As needed, arrange to get your new office cleaned and make any necessary repairs or improvements before you move in.

Now’s a great time to get rid of items you don’t need and minimize a bit. This will keep your new space looking new, rather than cluttered from Day One.

Tip #4. Make sure to inform your clients, vendors, business clubs and chambers, and the government authorities about your address change.

Also arrange to update your website, business cards, and Google listing.

Tip #5. If you have office partitions and they will need to be disassembled and then reassembled, it might be best to hire a temporary agency that specializes in that type of work.

Getting partitions up the same way you had them before in your new office – or creating a new partition design – is not for the faint of heart. Line up your movers as far ahead as possible and call to confirm a day before. If you live where it’s hot, you’ll want to schedule the move for early morning. Chill water bottles beforehand so that no one gets dehydrated.


Tip #6. Pay particular care to packing and moving your computer equipment and electronics.

You may want to color code the cables and peripherals that belong to each desktop or employee, so they don’t get mixed up in the move. Consider wrapping large electronics, like TVs and monitors, in blankets and placing them in the back of your vehicle rather than in a big truck. Of course, if you kept the original boxes for your electronics, using those is always your safest bet.

Plan to arrive early on moving day and decide you’re going to roll with the ups and downs. Your move might not go perfect, but following these tips from Cheap Chicago Movers will have you feeling confident that everything is being planned and handled to the best of your ability. One last tip. Don’t hesitate to ask your friends and associates for their assistance. Most people, especially when given adequate notice, will be more than happy to lend a hand and to help celebrate your brand new business location.

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